Planning Database
Data are well organized to produce information, organizing the data to prevent unnecessary duplication. Data are organized and interconnected with each other is an Data Base (database). Meanwhile, to manage and organize a database that was built in a system requires a database management on the call with database management systems (database management system - DBMS).
DBMS is a software that will determine how data is organized, stored, modified, taken back, setting the data security mechanisms, mechanisms with data usage.
Database has been developed in line with research experts, there are several database models:
- Hierarchical databases
Is a collection of records that are connected to each other that form a tree structure - Network Database
Database formed from a collection of records that form the relation in the form of ring - Relational Database
Contains a collection of tables, where each table has a name and a unique structure. In each table, each record of data organized in the same structure and has a key field that will be connecting to one another - Web Warehause
Data warehouse (data warehouse) is a database with production equipment and query reports that stores data and historical data is now centralized, usually used to present reports and conduct analysis to support managerial decision making.
Feasibility Study
In designing the database feasibility study is the first step that must be done to get the right information that could be implemented in a database. The feasibility study will produce raw data in database creation. In this feasibility study is used to inventory the basic needs that must be met in order not to interfere with the system development process has been planned.
In accordance with the existing database in question is the number one database Development of Nutrition Improvement Program at the health center at this step that information will need to know is as follows:
- What data are collected and processed related to nutrition programs
- What problems encountered in data processing
- Does the Nutrition Program has a Computer
- In today's data processing using the software.
This step is a step that determines the scope of the system provided in the wake. At this stage will be made of the data flow diagram DFD (Data Flow Diagram). DFD form used to document the process of system operation that is being built, including the entity input sources and the results or output. DFD functions to describe in detail the system as a network between the functions related to each other with shows from and and where data flows and storage
Analyzing System
In this step made the required data analysis, this analysis can be done directly, namely by direct visit the place or object that made the system implementation.
This analysis process can be done through interviews or by searching the data on the object so that the purpose of data validation is achieved. Data-valid data is ready in implentasi into the database system
Designing Systems
The design of the system in question is to separate the raw data into data groups that could be called a table. With implentasi into a distributed system in the form of a database will facilitate further action in implementation. This system design will generate descriptions with a clearer form and clustered called Table.
Each table is essentially a function to store data information. Tables are made must meet the criteria to facilitate data processing such as entering data (Insert), Rejuvenation of data from old data to new data (Update), and the process or delete data Mute (Delete) Besides the above criteria there are some things that need to be considered in making the table include:
- There should be no rows of data or the same record in the table
- Each table should have a name that becomes representative of all the attributes / fields in it. Attributes that the representative should not be twins
- Tables are made are final analysis so that all single valued attributes can be broken and no longer be the smallest field.
The following are examples of health center with DB tables and their relationship Explanation: - Family Head Table
Explanation Table above are as follows:
id_kk as the Primary Key of the Integral 10-digit data
Name of Head nama_kk contains Kelurga
Tempat_lahir place of Family Head
Tgl_lahir: Date of birth of the Head of Family
Sex with male category and women from the Head of the Family
Job is the job of head of the family that contains the category PNS, Private, Farmers, Merchants, Fishermen, Workers, Not working
Education is the family head education level categories contain PT, Academy, high school, junior high, elementary, No School
Address is the Address of Family Head
GAKIN contains categories: yes and no
- Family Members Data Table
id_Anggota_kk as the Primary Key of the table is data Anggota_kk Integral 10 digits
id_kk the current key of the table data_kk
Name: the name of family member
Birthplace Tempat_lahir is from members of the Family
Tgl_lahir is Date of Birth of family members
Sex is Sex from members keluarg containing categories of men and women
Relationship is the relationship of family members with the head of the family that contains categories: Wife, Children, Parents, siblings, etc.
Jobs are job from family members of the category civil servants, private, Farmers, Merchants, Fishermen, Workers, Not working
Education is the education of family members of the category Graduate, diploma, high school, junior high, elementary, No School
- Table Data Toddler
id_Balita as the Primary Key of the table is data Integral Toddler 10 digits
id_Anggota_kk the current key of the table Angggota_kk
BB_wkt_lhr: is the weight Toddler Left Born
PB_wkt_lhr: is the body length Toddler Left Born
Ownership Card KMS_Balita Towards a Healthy, which contains the category of Yes and No
Breastfeeding Asi_eks is 0 to 6 month without supplementary food, which contains the category of Yes and No
- At the time designing a database, users are often the candidates are asked the relevance of the database for decision-making processes in their organizations. How can you ensure that your database is designed to meet their needs? Any potential information that can be produced from the design you have designed? How the information is supported and linked to the concept that you offer.
To be sure that the database was designed to meet the needs in the design of the database concerned as follows:
- The design of the user based
The design of the user-based database system design should be based on user needs, this can be done at this stage of system analysis exploring the needs of the user - The design is iterative
In addition to user-driven in terms of test and measurement design involves a user database, this is done to a database that is designed to be really the user needs.
DB Design Example on health:
- Population based health centers in Gender, education level, employment
- Number of Poor Families in the area of health centers, this information can assist governments in planning and poverty reduction activities in the distribution of assistance for poor families
- Percentage Number of Toddlers who was born with a birth weight lower, high Toddlers born with low weight describing the nutritional status of mothers during pregnancy, so the need to increase intervention activities aimed at pregnant women, in addition to the information infants born with low weight feeding immediately not be added to infant malnutrition.
- The number of poor nutrition, nutrition Less, and good nutrition, this information can be used to plan the prevention of malnutrition
- The number of infants in an area that has received vitamin A.
- And some information about the Nutrition Program in the area of the health centers, all that can be done to Planning Activities.
My advice to organizations in selecting, using and maintaining ICT investments that guarantee the continuity, usefulness and security of database management systems are as follows:
- Software Selection database in choosing the open source software, which is a free program or free use by anyone without having to purchase and pay for a license to the creators
- Database software is a database server, which can be accessed with the possible, or can be connected to the internet
- Database software can store very large data capacity up to Gigabyte size.
- Database software has password encryption, so not everyone can walk
- Software multi-user database, this database does not only used by one-sided person but a database that can be used by many users.
- Database software which has a speed in the manufacture of tables and update the lawyer's table
using software programming languages such as Visual Basic / Visual.Net, Delphi, or in some DBMS already available features to create application programs directly from its DBMS used for accessing its database.
In planning the database, these steps can work refers to a concept of database development. One such concept is the development of the database Database System Development Life Cycle (DSDLC).
The steps work itself consists of:
- Database Planning => At this early stage is to think about how the data collected, the ways to show data, documentation and implementation at the database is ready.
- System Definition => Here, set the rules relating to the planning that includes things like HR, Marketing etc
- Requierment Collection & Analysis => At this step is limiting the data needed, and supporting databases to be documented.
- Database Design => Steps to determine the model that includes data tables (attributes and domains), view, relationship, and the rule
- DBMS Selection => this step is optional means DBMS in determining which one to use depends of the case at hand, for example if there is a case of making a database for cases of doctors who practice only two entities that require doctors and patients with the assumption of each month will be obtained average of 500-600 people total patients, the DBMS used to use a DBMS does not require complicated configurations such as SQL Server, Oracle etc. but pretty simple to DBMS like MS Access.
- Application Design
- Prototyping => thing to be aware of prototyping is the data integrity problems
- Implementation => Principles that should be used in this implementation is that when presented should be easily understood or Diagrammatic Presentation
- Data Conversion and Loading => In the case of Conversion of data that must be considered is when to convert data from old database system to the new one if the data will not be damaged or corrupted.
- Testing => Stage testing
- Maintenance => Care of the database after use
Designing Database is a very important thing. The main difficulty in designing a database is how to design so the database can satisfy the current needs and future design of the conceptual model needs to be done in addition to the design of physical models. In the conceptual design will show entities and relations based on the process desired by the organization. When deciding entity and relationship data analysis needs of the information contained in the specifications in the future.
In the conceptual model approach, some concepts used relational approach, but does not mean that this concept will be implemented into the relational model but can also be used in the hierarchical models and network models.
Designing a Database Conceptual Model
The task is to design a database administrator database conceptual model. Conceptual model of information process approach is not an application programmer, but a combination of several ways to process data for several applications. Conceptual model does not depend on individual applications, does not depend on the DBMS used, does not depend on the hardware used and not too dependent on the model phisikal. In the conceptual model design reviews conducted on the suppression of data structures and relationships between files. It is not necessary to think about applied and operation will be performed on the database.
The approach taken in the design of conceptual models is to use the relational data model, namely the normalization technique.
The process of normalization is the process of grouping data elements into tables that show the entities and relations. In the process of normalization is always tested on several conditions. Is there trouble at the moment to add, delete, modify, read in a database. If there is difficulty in testing the relation is solved in a few more table or in other words, the database design had not yet optimal. In the normalization technique there are three forms of normalization. Normal form is characterized by unity of each data set in a flat file, the data created in one record after another record and the value of the fields in the form of "atomic value". There is no set of attributes of repeated or multiple attribute value (multivalue). The second normal form has the form of the data provided meets the normal form of unity. Not a key attribute must be dependent on the function key / primary key, so for the second normal form has been determined to be the keys of the field. Key fields must be unique and may represent another attribute are members. For the third normal form then the relationship must be in second normal form and every attribute is not the primary does not have a transitive relationship. In other words, each key attribute must depend not only on the primary key and primary key in the overall.
Design steps
The design of the database starting from the data dictionary (dictionary data), which is a list of all the elements / fields. Obtained data dictionary at the time of analysis with data flow diagrams (data flow diagram). In this design made with both examples of the problems of employees who work on computerization projects in a company. Because the principle is the integrity of the database (together), then between a file with another file (table with another table) should be connected / table relationship. Planning the next database is the logical data model. Logical data model (logical data modeling) is a technique to properly explain the structure of business information and rules as the input to the process of database design.
The heart of the logical data model is the appreciation or understanding of the data as a valuable resource for a business organization. Logical data model is one philosofi or techniques to identify and document the reality of the existence of business data, freedom of how they read and enter, who is wearing and how the state machine operation. The steps in the logical data model is shown in a set of criteria to get the data model is most optimal logic is as follows:
a) Truth structure: consistent with the definition lines of business and information organization
b) Convenience: easy to understand by people who do not have special education or non-system users in computer professionals
c) No redundancies: no information overload has written many times try to one piece of information is actually stored in one place, not in some places.
d) The data is shared (sharability): conditions are not very specific data and can only be read by one or two applications of technology, but is expected to be accessed by several applications and technologies.
e) Easy to be developed (Extensibility): able to accept new requirements with a mild effect of changes in basic data
f) Unity (integrity): the consistency of premises used lines of business and management information
Design steps can be summarized database to facilitate the understanding as follows:
- build a framework of view of users
build a logical data model by examining a single event for the business function at a time. Model or representation of the required information by a business function is known by the user's view (user view). As a designer model, defining the boundaries of each user's view. The development process of the user's view of interaction is very high on the initial conditions. The work done by one or many users to define the elements that are important.
In specific the user design and conduct:
-) Identifies the entity (the fact) that the main initial step
-) Determine the relationship (relationship) between entities
naming and defining the entities and entity-relationship (relationship), then document them in a dictionary of data (data dictionary). Can also be classified from various types of entities and relationships and illustrates the importance of data needs and relationships (relationship) - Key additions to the user's view
process is continued by adding more detail than the key and the key information, and also the types of business rules. In specific the designer and the user through:
-) Defining the primary key and the key alternative
-) Determining the guest key (foreign key)
-) Define key business rules (the rule to see the result of the insertion, deletion, and update operations on the relationship - validdasi user's view on the normalization
step to the next logical data model, relying on the process for associating attributes intutif the entity. In the logic data model design, testing done by seeing a more structured use a more formal technique is validated by the rules of normalization. In particular, increase the certainty of achieving normalization of the data model optimized logic. The principle of normalization is to test each entity and attribute the redundansi fellowship and inconsistencies. If still there is redundancy and inconsistencies there were errors or allied placement attribute attribute it. Eliminate this problem would put back the wrong attribute it to the proper place. The results of this step is a data model structure which has high consistency. - additional attribute determines the business rules
Normalization is not a full load of business rules. This section should be part of the logical data model to ensure not only data structures but also the value of data that reflects the truth of business operations. Each stage of logic data model has opened the business rules about setting the primary key attribute and the key attribute guest (foreign keys). In this section identifies two additional types of business rules attribute:
-) Determine the domain (constraint on the values valid in which one attribute in amsumsi) such as data type, length, format, uniqueness, support may be empty (null support), limit value, the value of initial setting (default value) and the meaning / information attribute.
-) Specify operation triggering operation, these rules regulate the effect of the insertion operation (insert), deletion (delete) and renewal (update) in other entities or between an entity attribute in the same. - integration of user views
End of the logical data model design is to combine multiple user views in a logical data model is consolidated.
-) Combining the views of users, defining FEW business functions or perhaps several different user groups in one model.
-) Integrate the model of the existing data
-) Analysis for the stability and growth
Development of conceptual patterns by combining the data models of logic, connect them, such as identifying the mapping between each logical data models and conceptual patterns of differences in business including names, perform operations on the conceptual patterns to get an idea of logical data model, interrelation of business rules. The existence of a conceptual pattern allows businesses to obtain a logical data model and a database of consistent implementation of the other premises that apply to whole business operation, as handled by an individual user.
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